terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
Pediatria Brasil: tudo sobre crianças e adolescentes: A importância do Aleitamento Materno
Um link muito interessante que vale à pena conferir! Com vários temas sobre saúde da criança.
Pediatria Brasil: tudo sobre crianças e adolescentes: A importância do Aleitamento Materno: comunicacao@saude.gov.br
Pediatria Brasil: tudo sobre crianças e adolescentes: A importância do Aleitamento Materno: comunicacao@saude.gov.br
quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011
Amamentação em todos os momentos
Neste vídeo a cantora Cláudia Leite dá o seu testemunho da importancia e experiência inesquecível que têve em amamentar seu filho Davi.
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Mais um vídeo da Campanha Amamentação - Ministério da Saúde
Iniciei no post anterior, um bloco de postagens de vídeos sobre amamentação.
Tenho certeza que serão úteis para que possam apoiar esta prática tão importante, não só para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável, como também, pela imunidade que o leite materno proporciona à criança, somando-se ao fortalecimento do vínculo afetivo entre mãe e filho.
Amamentação:muito mais que alimentar a criança
Este vídeo do Ministério da Saúde apresenta de forma abrangente e direta situações do dia a dia com as quais se deparam mães e profissionais de saúde que as atendem. O vídeo mostra como apoiar à dupla mãe-bebê durante a amamentação. Esse apoio dos profissionais de saúde é muito importante, como também da família, em especial do pai e das avós, pois amamentação é responsabilidade de todos.
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Breastfeeding May Reduce Pain During Blood Tests in Preterm Infants
Submitted by Deborah Mitchell on 2011-10-19
Breastfeeding provides much more than nourishment: it can also reduce pain response. A new study found that preterm infants had lower behavioral pain scores when they were breastfed during blood tests.
Breastfeeding better than sweets to reduce pain
Among infants born at full term, breastfeeding is used during painful procedures such as taking blood samples because it has been shown to reduce the pain response by 80 to 90 percent and to not cause side effects. It was not known, however, whether this approach would be successful in preterm infants.
Preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units can suffer behavioral and physiological problems, including changes in sensitivity to pain and their stress arousal systems, if pain is poorly managed. Minor, common procedures such as pricking for blood tests are necessary but painful, and typical pain-reducing attempts such as giving the infant something sweet or a pacifier are only moderately effective.
To determine if breastfeeding during the taking of a blood sample would reduce the pain response in preterm infants, investigators from the Child & Family Research Institute at BC Children’s Hospital and The University of British Columbia (UBC) studied 57 infants born at 30 to 36 weeks gestational age. Half the infants were breastfed during blood sampling and the others were given a pacifier.
The infants were videotaped during the procedure to document their responses. According to lead investigator Liisa Holsti, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, UBC, “For infants whose breastfeeding skills are inconsistent, it is unlikely to mitigate pain effectively.”
However, among the infants who were more skilled at breastfeeding, behavioral pain scores were significantly lower. The investigators also noted another benefit: blood collection took less time in the breastfed infants than in those given a pacifier, which made the procedure more efficient.
One concern about using breastfeeding as a way to mitigate pain during a procedure in preterm infants is that the babies may learn to equate breastfeeding with pain, which would hamper their ability to feed effectively, but no negative impact was seen in this study. Professor Holsti noted that “our findings support further research on the effects of breastfeeding for more mature feeders over repeated events to assess both the short- and long-term benefits of the treatment.”
Holsti L et al. Pain 2011 Nov; 152(11); doi:10.1016/j.pain.2011.07.022
Holsti L et al. Pain 2011 Nov; 152(11); doi:10.1016/j.pain.2011.07.022
Picture credit: Wikimedia Commons
California Passes Groundbreaking Public Health Law Supporting Breastfeeding
Submitted by Jennifer Williams on 2011-10-10
Governor Jerry Brown of California approved Senate Bill No. 502, the Hospital Infant Feeding Act on October 6, 2011. This groundbreaking legislation mandates all acute care and specialty hospitals that provide care to mothers provide lactation assistance to facilitate successful breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is unanimously supported by health care organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization. In addition to recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, the United States Surgeon General advises mothers and babies to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months of life, unless medical contraindications arise.
Unfortunately, many mothers and babies breastfeed for only a very short time, if they breastfeed at all. New mothers and babies face a myriad of barriers to successful breastfeeding, including unsupportive hospital policies and practices. Some of these practices include early and inappropriate supplementation with infant formula.
Healthy People 2020 establishes public health breastfeeding goals for the United States. One of these goals addresses inappropriate supplementation with formula during the typical two day postpartum stay. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that only 10 percent or fewer newborn babies should receive supplemental infant formula. Unfortunately, 90 percent of hospitals in California do not follow these recommendations and do not meet this goal.
Early supplementation with formula has been demonstrated to reduce breastfeeding success. The Hospital Infant Feeding Act requires each hospital that provides care to new mothers to post a written infant feeding policy to
address the pros and cons of early formula supplementation.
address the pros and cons of early formula supplementation.
California’s Hospital Infant Feeding Act calls on all hospitals to provide a policy which supports breastfeeding using guidance from the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative or the State Department of Public Health’s guidelines known as “Providing Breastfeeding Support: Model Hospital Policy Recommendations.” Both of these guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations to assist women and babies to successfully breastfeed through providing accurate education, consistent information and appropriate interventions.
The Hospital Infant Feeding Act also asks hospitals to provide guidance to women who formula feed, either due to choice or to experiencing a medical contraindication to breastfeeding.
This landmark legislation promotes a statewide dialogue on the importance of breastfeeding and requires hospitals to provide accurate education to new mothers. This Act recognizes that breastfeeding is a public health issue and calls for hospitals to offer medically appropriate interventions and avoid misusing interventions that have been shown to disrupt successful breastfeeding.
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative is an international designation that identifies hospitals providing evidence-based breastfeeding support and education. As of October 2011, 34 California hospitals have achieved this designation. This legislation opens the door for many more hospitals to gain this recognition and provide California mothers and infants with optimal breastfeeding care.
Office of Governor Jerry Brown: http://gov.ca.gov/news.php?id=17261
segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011
Rede Amamenta Brasil – I Encontros Nacional de Tutores
Em 18 de novembro de 2008, a Portaria Nº 2.799 instituiu a Rede Amamenta Brasil no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS. A Rede é uma estratégia que visa promover, proteger e apoiar o aleitamento materno (AM) na Atenção Básica, revisando o processo de trabalho dos profissionais nas unidades básicas de saúde (UBS).
Nos dias 09 e 10 de novembro de 2011 a Área Técnica de Saúde da Criança e Aleitamento Materno realizará o I Encontro Nacional de Tutores da Rede Amamenta Brasil em Brasília, DF.
O objetivo deste Encontro é reunir alguns tutores de todo o Brasil para discutir aspectos sobre a implantação da Rede Amamenta nos 3 anos de estratégia. Serão apresentados os resultados finais da Pesquisa de Avaliação da Implantação da Rede Amamenta Brasil, realizada em 2010 e algumas experiências exitosas enviadas pelos
quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011
Café com Leite de Peito. Se essa moda pega ...
Quem sabe se dessa forma diminui o estímulo para bebidas alcoólicas...
Vídeos de amamentação interessantes.
Vou postar um vídeo mostrando que quando a amamentação já está estabelecida e é bem sucedida, qualquer posição, desde que o bebê consiga mamar com uma pega boa, é válida... até de cabeça para baixo...!!!
quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011
Amamentação é ligada a maior poder de raciocínio
Fonte: Folha de S. Paulo – Caderno Saúde (03/09/2011)
DA REUTERS - Pesquisa inglesa mostra que crianças de cinco anos que foram amamentadas quando bebês têm resultados melhores em testes de vocabulário e raciocínio do que os que não receberam leite materno.
A amamentação dá vantagem maior para os que nasceram prematuros.
"Há ácidos graxos essenciais no leite materno que são bons para o desenvolvimento celular e do cérebro", afirma Amanda Sacker, uma das autoras do estudo, da Universidade de Essex.
A vantagem também pode vir de hormônios e fatores de crescimento que não estão presentes nas fórmulas infantis, segundo ela.
A terceira possibilidade é que a criança amamentada tem mais contato com a mãe.
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